zeppelin magazine | no #83


Magazine content 83

20: I left such a colourful world / Constantin Goagea

22: structure.membrane.filtru / An office building by Carlos Ferrater, Xavier Marti and Patrick Genard in Barcelona: subtle references to Mies van den Rohe, respect for the site, timeless aesthetics.

Urban mobility from European to National

Post de: Irina Rotaru

In Romania, a car-obsessed country, the application of European mobility policies oscillates between the enunciation of general principles, the promotion campaigns and the uncorrelated partial actions.

Editor’s: I left such a colourful world

Post de: Constantin Goagea

What a thing this colouring of the blocks. If you ever moaned about it (no one who would have felt differently than that) that all blocks are alike, that they are boring and ugly, please come now and see that there is no difference at all anymore.

April 2010