In 1999, a very young team set up again the “Arhitectura” magazine. In 2002, the magazine went for an international format, and meanwhile it has become one of the most important architecture magazines in the region. The standard that the contents have reached forces us to rethink the format and graphic design, so that they are at the same level.
In the new format, information is reorganized and more easily available. But we do not give up the quality and thorough presentation of the topics specific to the magazine. The contents are divided into three main sections, each with its own clear identity, and we have introduced short summaries inside most articles. These changes allow for easy “surfing” and several reading levels – from a quick browse, focusing on essential information, to in-depth reading. The magazine becomes “friendlier” to all types of readers – from architects, designers and architecture/design students to the representatives of other artistic professions, building professionals and cultural audience.