Articles published by: Nickname


arhitectura magazine no 17

  • editorial / constantin goagea
  • dossier portugal
    :goncalo byrne about the portuguese architecture
    :interview with aires matheus
    :about landcape with joao ferreira nunes
    :frederico valsassina architects
    :interview with ricardo bak gordon
    :the social centre of cartaxo
  • new mentality: search / oana bogdan
  • mies van der rohe awards / anca sandu tomasevschi


Arhitectura magazine no 16 summary

  • dossier switzerland. introduction 
    :avantgarde as a resource – hans schmidt, abc and the house colnaghi, riehen 
    :diener & diener, basel 


Arhitectura magazine no 16

  • dossier switzerland. introduction 
    :avantgarde as a resource – hans schmidt, abc and the house colnaghi, riehen 
    :diener & diener, basel 
    :marianne burkhalter & christian sumi, zurich 
    :gion a. caminada, vrin, canton graubunden 
    :bearth & deplazes, chur 
    :patrick devanthery & ines lamuniere, geneva 
    :marco graber & thomas pulver, zurich and berna 
    :giraudi & wettstein, lugano
  • starh: stil hotel, bucharest / cosmina goagea


Arhitectura magazine no 15 summary

  • editorial
  • prezentari, reprezentari / stefan ghenciulescu


Arhitectura magazine no 15

  • editorial
  • prezentari, reprezentari / stefan ghenciulescu
  • dosar: imagine
    :suntem o breasla?
    :patratul negru (expozitie helene binet la bucuresti) / mariana celac
    :nu putem fi decat la fel de buni pe cat este arhitectura pe care o prezentam (o introducere in meseria de vizualizare de arhitectura) / daniela mangiuca
    :decriptare (despre biroul neutral de la londra) / letitia barbuica
    :interviu cu adrian gongea / constantin goagea
    :r+b (prezentare a biroului) / miguel roldan & mercedes berengue
    :traiectorii (doua case de nayouki nagata) / oana rotaru
    :despre curgerea spatiului si ragazul timpului (amenajare apartament – radu teaca si artline)
    :orasul: galerie urbana cine poate fi curator in galeria urbana? (interviu cu raoul bunschoten) / vera marin
    :model de proiect urban, zona cartierului uranus / vladimir vinea

Dossier: Mei Architecten / Gnome parking garage, Almere

The work of Dutch office mei is smart and complex. While their buildings immediately attract attention, they also spring from a deep reflection on programming and identity, urban life and the need of communities

Metaphorical greenery shapes the experimental facade of this garage. A project about public  character for an equipment, architectural joy and hi-tech manufacturing


Arhitectura magazine no 14 summary

  • editorial: de ce e frumoasa casa poporului/ stefan ghenciulescu
  • dosar: bienala 2002
    :despre bienala
    :interviuri bab


Arhitectura magazine no 14

  • editorial: de ce e frumoasa casa poporului/ stefan ghenciulescu
  • dosar: bienala 2002
    :despre bienala
    :interviuri bab
  • teorie
    :viena 1928 – casa wittgenstein / horia marinescu
  • dosar bienala 2002
    :casa fotbalului romanesc / celia ghyka
    :haicu / letitia barbuica
    :revival / vera marin
    :magazinele kpl / cosmina goagea
    :hanul tisaru / cosmin caciuc
    :hala techo / oana rotaru
  • locuire
    :masahiro osada, un arhitect regional / atsuro osada
  • eveniment
    :picnic pe malul lacului / stefan ghenciulecu
  • proiect
    :intoarcerea arhitecturii / eduard chis


Arhitectura magazine no 12 summary

  • editorial / constantin goagea
  • dosar latino
    :latino / sefan ghenciulescu
    :luis barragan si “revolutia” (tacuta). meditatii pe marginea unei expozitii monografice de la mak, viena / horia marinescu


Arhitectura magazine no 11 summary

  • in memoriam victor fulicea 
  • editorial / cosmina goagea
  • produse & identitati
    :westfourth architecture. profil de firma / stefan ghenciulescu