Articles published by: Nickname


Magazine 85

22: chairless / Constantin Goagea

dossier: tidy arquitectos
24: A home embracing the landscape, a new house risen on top of older foundations, and a primary school that responds to a specific urban situation, highlight the quality of the Chilean regional school of architecture.

26: a binocular house / An isolated dwelling located in a strongcharacter natural landscape sculpturally fits a topographic downslope whilst framing the view through an uncommon volume configuration.
30: old foundations and new walls / On the stone base of an older house a new dwelling is raised, searching for the distant skyline view though not ignoring the closer urban and topographic background.
34: an meandering building / A primary school built to a low budget clearly defines two quasi-open yards whilst emphasizing the logic of intermediate spaces within an existing urban, cultural and climate background.

critical regionalism 
40: the belfry of ditrau / Or how to make architecture on 2.25 sqm

activation: agwa & ferriere
42: a structure to live in / Agwa and Ferriere’s low budget refurbishment of a 1960s structure as a multifunctional complex concentrates on the strategic and sensitive adaptation of an existing  structure.

48: the missing piece / As a response to a stringent public need, alamillo medical centre in seville, designed by Javier Terrados, fills a very difficult urban void, organizing its interior around a triangular atrium.
54: internal transparence / The extension of the secondary school in Montilla, Córdoba, was an opportunity for Javier Terrados to clarify the architectural relations between the different public areas into an existent educational structure.

public space
60: the mosaic market / A residual urban space adjacent to a building and playing the role of a trade market is turned by Vora Arquitectura team into a site adjusted to the heteroclite social background of the urban neighborhoods.

64: the black cube / The headquarter of prosecutors office in Vilnius, designed by Klap team, becomes a pause in the urban texture that embodies a search for silence in the surrounding noise.

68: an alpine hovering / Beyond an expressive image, a belvedere platform in tyrolean alps aims at defining a particular topographical condition through its skilled structure mounting.

72: china. part 4. beijing: architectural logos and public space / Besides Dubai, beijing is a territory of starchitecture par excellence. Breathtaking objects dominate a sea of free spaces, gigantic traffic routes and mass productions that hold no real urban quality.

80: patrick bouchain / A different way of making architecture: a French architect searching for alternative professional paths

history now
86: 6,24 / Auguste Perret’s reconstruction project for le havre is one of the few sucessful operations of the 50s ; the rationalist grid aged well and even accepted insertions, which, like niemeyer’s cultural center, totally contradict the original concept.

94: sulina 2010 / A mapping of the derelict heritage and the accelerated damage through bad refurbishment in a small town in the danube delta. alex tomazatos avoids sentimental pictures in favor of a dry, precise and therefore even more poignant presentation.

98: explosive milan and green furniture fair / Milano Design Week 2010
has brought mixed themes: ecological strategies, changes into the industrial system, colourful forms, social responsibility and planning of different future realities.

Technical Info
Alukonigsthal | Austrotherm | Delta Design | Elis Pavaje | Franke | Infiniti | Rehau | Rheinzink | Romania Green Buiding Council | Saint Gobain Glass | Semmelrock | 


Magazine content 84

28: cathedrals laugh in the sun / Constantin Goagea

dossier: young portuguese architects 
a dossier including four practices


Magazine 84

28: cathedrals laugh in the sun / Constantin Goagea

dossier: young portuguese architects 
a dossier including four practices

Paulo David / The three public projects in Madeira represent different poses of a poetic and respectful manner of intervention into some exceptional natural sites.

32: stone boxes and belvederes / Located on a rocky cliff of Madeira, in an isolated rural environment, an art centre designed by Paulo David unleashes the topographical intensity of the site enhancing the spectacular belvedere.
40: architectural layers in a landscape / In-between architecture and landscape design, Camara de Lobos complex in Madeira, integrates a heteroclite public program (pools, gardens, seaside walks and a restaurant) on the rocky plot of former salt pans.
48: access inside the mountain / A pavilion hosting São Vicente geological history prepares visitors for an underground experience and synthesizes the exceptional landscape nature through simplest
architectural gestures.

Nuno Brandao Costa / Remodeling a farm as a product of crucial elections, an elevated showroom, a house that opens into the landscape and another one that inverts spatial conventional typologies.

54: keeping the poetics of a place / punctual insertions instead of changing space structures, rebuilding instead of demolishing, an extension that hides underground: Nuno Brandao Costa’s remodeling of a derelict farm complex is about essential choices.
60: small boxes / The house in Afife uses existing elements on the site and is designed as a discreet insertion into a rural landscape.
64: the elevated show-room / Functional problems triggered an unusual and effective design for this small building in an industrial setting.
68: the inverted house / The conventional functional structure is put here upsidedown, in order to allo the main space to open towards the distant sea.

Ava Architects / Two projects for the city of Guarda: both the Municipal Theatre and an individual house in the outskirts balance between object grouping and a permeable space-complex.

72: absent complicity / Ava’s municipal theatre of Guarda can be interpretated both as grup of autonomous buildings and as porous complex trying to connect to the historical city fabric.
78: an atrium and two wings / A central space organizes the activites and spaces of this dwelling situated on a difficult plot at the periphery of the city of Guarda.

Guilherme Machado Vaz / Beyond a scale and a budget, public architecture means creating social sites, be it a stadium, a cultural
center or some equipment in a parking lot.

82: a public cube in Custoias / Guilherme Machado Vaz designed an institutional building that contrasts with the non-descript surroundings and aims to attract people into its bright and colourful interior.
88: Custoias football field / The complex becomes a built topography that mediated between the natural ground and the protected assembly space.
94: parking lot in Manhufe / Or how to transform the most unfortunate of functions into an urban and design experience.

urban: plus architecture
98: a piece of the city / Metropolis Center articulates the concrete curtain of bucharest’s inner city ring and the historical fabric behind it and defines a genuine public space.

neighbors: hg ahitektuur
104: architecture for community / Former silo rehabilitated and exended by hg ahitektuur defines a new urban core in the heart of Tallin.

108: china, episode 3 / This episode will focus on the wall as a crucial urban element, on traditional housing and its accelerated disappearance and on the relationship between urban and social fabric.