Articles published by: Nickname

The little 24-7 shop in the metropolis of the future: Kombini, the Japanese army of tiny hyper-organized and adaptable shops

Mega-malls and urban shopping areas as cornerstone urban elements, including (or especially) in Asia? Far from it. Introducing Kombini, the Japanese army of tiny hyper-organized and adaptable shops.

Text & Photo: Stefan Tuchila

The wagon-house with seven roofs

About the recovering (and re-interpretation) of a modest existing construction, a traditional typology, a modern material, and the imperfections of building in post-socialist Romania

Project: Andreas Heierle, Cristina Trofin
Text & photo: Andrei Mărgulescu

Bucharest seen by Richard Scott through music and color / TILT. An Oblique View from Elsewhere

Intro & Interview: Ioana Zacharias Vultur

Richard Scott is a British architect, artist and musician. He is a distinguished graduate of Bartlett (UCL) and Sci-Arc (Los Angeles) who worked at the Cornell University and teached History and Theory of Architecture at Bartlett (UCL) and AA School. Beyond the international critical recognition of the studio he founded in 1996 – Surface

When architects build what children dream of

Building Blocks, Bucharest 2016

Text: Andreea Ilinca
Photo: eematico, Bogdan Dincă, Iuliana Dumitru    

We, the grown-ups, believe we know it all. We went to schools and have enough experience to be convinced that we understand everything better. Better than whom? Than children, most certainly.

TIMEFALLS. Reinvention of Traditions

Group show: Felipe Arturo / Alessio delli Castelli / Fernanda Fragateiro / Matias Machado / Jorge Pedro Nuñez
Curated by Marta Jecu

Opening: 16th November 2016, 10 pm @ GALERIA BAGINSKI – Rua Capitão Leitão, 51–53 1950–050 Lisboa, Portugal

New season’s exhibitions at the National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC Bucharest

Thursday, November 10, 2016, at 7 pm, in the presence of His Excellency, Mr. Werner Hans Lauk – the Ambassador of Germany in Bucharest, seven new exhibitions will open to the public at the National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC (The Palace of Parliament)

Call: Designers and Reporters for New Public Hub

Are you willing to change the future of libraries transforming them in public hub? Are you a designer or a reporter with a passion for the human centered design approach? Answer to this call and participate in the selections of the best designers and reporters for 5 LIB#LAB with libraries in Europe promoted by the European project New Libraries.

Movie night and Swedish electronic rhythms

We create the Swedish mood with a delicious selection of short and long films, fiction, animation and documentaries that showcase pretty much everything we know about the Scandinavian cinema. That is: a special light, not to be found in any other place, with twilight and boreal sparks, flawless photography, an imaginary sometimes bizarre and otherwordly, activism, dramas with comed inserts, or unsettling comedies.

Bucharest Art Week 2016: The Lesson of Nature

November 4 – 12, 2016 -Bucharest, Romania

The third edition of the Bucharest Art Week (BAW) International Festival examines the way in which contemporary artists, curators and theorists place themselves with respect to the theme of nature and the tradition of the landscape.

Concrete House. Experimental architecture and cultural project

In September 2016, Zeppelin moved into one of the top innovative buildings produced in Romania in the last years. We wrote about it, promoted intensively. Now we change the role of the critic to the one of the dedicated user.

The House is integrally built from a locally developed thermo- and hydro-insulating concrete, and the result of a partnership between open and responsible clients, an architect with vision and courage and strongly involved construction partners.