zeppelin magazine | no #55


Arhitectura magazine no 55 summary

Space-generating objects / Dragos Buhagiar

Post de: Cosmina Goagea

Baroque, hedonistic, playful, inspired by childhood memories, from simplest toys to most innocent feelings, Dragos Buhagiar is not afraid of being a nostalgic. He stopped building walls a long time ago: he turned himself into space-generating objects, objects interacting with the actor, playing the game, defining, challenging or getting into drama. He says a scenographer should really be specific, by no means opulent, actually assisting the director and the actors to develop a theme.

November 2006. Liviu Ciulei at “ARHITECTURA”

Post de: Mariana Celac

Interview by Mariana Celac
Photo: Irina Vencu, the Liviu Ciulei archive
English translation: Magda Teodorescu

Mariana C.: Some years ago, we met at a Festival of Architecture Film in the French Institute. Then, you chaired a jury that awarded the first prize to a film (directed by two colleagues, a filmmaker, and an architect) about architecture and power. I think it was ten years ago. Lots of events have happened since then; a new generation of architects came “to the fore.”

Editorial: 55

Post de: Constantin Goagea

There wasa ticking, then the steps of some dancers endlessly rotating, an old lady winking at someone who was coming, gushes of light from a fountain decomposing in rogvaiv, some tune I must have heard once… and darkness. I have just described the outlines of a sensorial suggestive experience, and, certainly, I conjured up many memories. Though it was rather blurred, yet tangible, that was Darren Almond’s installation If I had you (try the GOOGLE) I experienced four years ago at Palazzo della Ragione in Milan. 

June 2007