Edito: The house inside the house and the outside house
Text Ştefan Ghenciulescu
At some point, Claudiu – who’s an artist – tells me: “You speak like a architect”. I didn’t really understand what he was talking about, as it seemed to me that I avoided those terms of ours – section, functionalism, urban fabric, free plan, program or I don’t know what else. Claudiu goes on: “You, architects, when you talk about buildings – no matter their size or function -, you always call them `houses`”. He was right. For architects, any construction is, above all, a house. As if the original house, the primitive hut of the Abbé Laugier, had produced in the meantime only houses to live, to work, to learn, to gather, to pray and so on. (…)
Dossier: (Retro)Pioneers
TEXT Ştefan Ghenciulescu
A Pause from the City, a Background for the City
TEXT Lorena Brează
George Enescu’s house in Mihăileni
Campaign Journal for Architecture and Community, Stage 1
TEXT Mirela Duculescu, Andreea Machidon, Raluca Munteanu, Raluca Ştirbăţ, Şerban Sturdza
Photo: Camil Iamandescu, Raluca Munteanu, Şerban Sturdza, Pro Patrimonio
The Ambulance for Monuments
TEXT Lorena Brează
Neptune Baths
A Magical Place Spotted from a Broken Window
Project: Asociaţia Locus
Text: Lorena Brează
Photo: Herculane Project, Alex Danu, Martin Neagoe, Mihai Şom
Slanted House
The Focus Is Not on Humans, but on the Landscape
Project, text: Paradigma Ariadné
Photo: Attila Róbert Csóka
A New Sheet over an Old House
The Protective Construction for the Roman Mosaic Edifice (Tomis), Constanţa (1959–1967)
TEXT Irina Băncescu
The Story of Your Jewish Neighbour
Project: Atelier MASS
Text: Camelia Sisak
Photo: Gouwy Lieven
Project: Corvin Cristian Studio
Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu
Photo: Alex Sacalu, Corvin Cristian
To the Future and Back
Interview with Prof. Achim Menges, Director of the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart
INTERVIEW Lorena Brează, Ştefan Ghenciulescu
Microarchitecture at School
TEXT Justin Baroncea
F. A chair
After the Chair, a Stool
Design, Text: Fabricate
OPEN AIR Society
Romanian Design Week 2020
Curatorial concept: Romanian Design Week & Zeppelin Design
Exhibition design: Zeppelin Design+Ping‑Pong Contest winners
Graphic design: Radu Manelici+Sebastian Pren
Text: Constantin Goagea
Photo: Andrei Mărgulescu