Articles with TAG: zeppelin


Zeppelin magazine

The international architecture and urban culture magazine Zeppelin is an editorially and financially independent publication, managed by the Zeppelin Association.



Constantin Goagea

Project manager
Cosmina Goagea



Post de: cosmina

Zeppelin: Constantin Goagea, Cosmina Goagea, Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Adrian Dobre.   

Point4: Justin Baroncea,  Radu Enescu.

Collaborations: Ada Demetriu, Vitalie Cataraga, Jean Craiu, Dragoș Dragnea.

Project Manager : Virgil Rezuș.


Zeppelin Festival: Architecture, City, Resources

City. Money. Architecture.
A super-debate in which you are invited to participate

National Museum of Contemporary Art
Friday, December 16th, 9:30–14:00.
The conference is in English. Free entrance.

How can our cities become more attractive, both for their inhabitants and for investment? By whom and how could new projects be implemented, partnerships being created, how could funds for all of this be attracted?