Articles with TAG: magazine



Magazine 66


41 press „escape“/ constantin goagea

dossier: smiljan radic

42 rancagua house (chilian house 1) / irina rotaru

50 CR project  / irina rotaru

56 mestizo restaurant / irina rotaru

62 pite house / irina rotaru


westfourth architecture

68 collective housing, aleea alexandru street, bucharest / andrei mărgulescu

76 luxury apartment building at 4A aleea modrogan, bucharest / andrei mărgulescu


78 “club bosco” holiday apartments, neptun /andrei mărgulescu

82 vacation apartments – Nnptun private suites /andrei mărgulescu

beckmann n`thepe

86 apartment building with 48 social housing, retail, activities, parking / stefan tuchila

neighbours: towards a regional magazine / ioana-elena vultur


dossier: aesopos architecture

93 residential complex athens, nea filothei – 2003/ yannis aesopos

98 invisible base/ yannis aesopos si athina loumou, harris biskos, angelina manitsa

dosar: henninglarsen architects

100 IT university/ henninglarsen architects

104 uppsala concert & congress hall / henninglarsen architects

108 the icelandic national concert & conference centre / henninglarsen architects

modern tradition

110 the 1960s-1970s architecture today: 2 examples in cluj / adriana diaconu


116 simon pengelly / radu comşa

118 bloomit: the evolution of „random storage“ idea; second step / radu comsa

120 wiel arets: il bagno alessi dot

122 designdrift: tsunami with metaphors/ radu comsa

auto design

124 calandre: car calenders / radu comsa


126 agWa: vertigo – theming of a new ride in walibi belgium amusement park / agWA



Magazine content 65


47 tourism on the communist blocks/ constantin goagea

creative city

48 tokyo: urban jungle vs. creative city /cosmina goagea



Magazine 65


47 tourism on the communist blocks/ constantin goagea

creative city

48 tokyo: urban jungle vs. creative city /cosmina goagea

52 murayama project. transformation of a 100 hectares old factory site into a religious space /kazuhiro kojima

56 japanese pavilion in gondar / atelier tekuto

60 house and atelier bow-wow / atelier bow-wow

64 atelier bow-wow. gae house / atelier bow-wow

66 atelier bow-wow. ako house / atelier bow-wow

68 atelier bow-wow. mini house / atelier bow-wow

70 atelier bow-wow. moca house / atelier bow-wow

72 atelier bow-wow. izu house / atelier bow-wow


74 andreescu & gaivoronschi. structuring development. city business center, timișoara / andrei mărgulescu

 interior design

82 parasite studio. white apartment. interior design, timișoara / maja bâldea, claudiu toma

86 parasite studio. intellectual elegance. mode café, timișoara / andrei mărgulescu

90 bogdan demetrescu. a brutalist palimpsest. d’arc café, timișoara / andrei mărgulescu

dossier: lacaton & vassal

94 management science university, bordaux / anne lacaton, jean philippe vassal

100 school of architecture, nantes / anne lacaton, jean philippe vassal

neighbours. dossier: styria

104 feri university, maribor, slovenia. new building for new study courses / judit solt

dossier: milano design week

108 milano design week / radu comșa

110 fi era: salone del mobile / radu comșa

114 salone satellite / radu comșa

118 triennale / radu comșa

120 requiem for zona tortona/ radu comșa

124 fuorisalone / radu comșa


130 santiago cirugeda. institutional prosthesis/ juan de nieves



Magazine content 64


50 ret: regional express train – project by ioan-andrei egli & andrei fufezan / irina rotaru

58 editorial: country and plane, tokyo, a whirl / constantin goagea



Magazine 64


50 ret: regional express train – project by ioan-andrei egli & andrei fufezan / irina rotaru

58 editorial: country and plane, tokyo, a whirl / constantin goagea

actual: emmanuel combarel dominique marrec architectes

60 architecture as bonus. social housing on louis blanc street, paris / paul ardenne

66 ratp bus centre in thiais, france / emmanuel combarel dominique marrec architects

dossier: big

70 intro / ioana-elena vultur

72 vm houses, copenhagen / big + jds

76 mountain dwellings, copenhagen / big

80 sja / big

86 bat – the battery / big

88 pot / big

90 slu / big

92 war / big

94 neighbours. dossier: elastik

dossier: naito architect & associates

102 shimane arts center/ hiroshi naito

108 sea-folk museum/ hiroshi naito

112 fuji rinri seminar house/ hiroshi naito

modern tradition

116 haralamb georgescu: the unfailing modernist / corneliu ghenciulescu, ştefan ghenciulescu


130 37 / ştefan tuchilă

134 bucureştiul rănit: 7 condiţii europene pentru salvarea oraşului /bogdan andrei fezi


140 pearsonlloyd / radu comşa

design auto

142 a concept car saga / radu comşa