Articles with TAG: architecture



Magazine 105

 21 Editor’s 

Text: Constantin Goagea

24 Walking: a legal drug 
Text: Constantin Goagea
> About High Line, urban activism, business and partnerships
34 Shinichi Ogawa & Associates: Enclosure and light
> A Japanese house with an introverted courtyard
38 Dossier: Manuel Ruisánchez Arquitectes – public spaces
39 Regeneration of public space
44 Through and above the riverbed
51 Trees, one object and participation
56 Quad Studio + Ars Longa: Beneath the garden
>  Therapy center in Cluj 
Text: Adrian Pop
60 WORK Architecture Company: A space for art, play and education
> Children’s Museum of the Arts in New York
68 VROA & CH+: A bunker and a museum
> The conversion of a former Nazi air-raid shelter in Wroclaw 
74 Projektil architekti: From monastery to public space 
> The reconversion of a monastery garden and church from Czech Republic
80 Daniel Nicolae: Wedding party tent
> A shelter for a wedding of architects
84 Hugh Broughton Architects: Golden box
> Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery from Great Britain
94 Urban Report 
AREA3 & Wonderland:Scrap iron or places for a city
100 Monumenta 2012 – Daniel Buren 
Text : Ioana Ghenciulescu-Violet
108 The public cats of Beyoglu
Text : Alexandru Balasescu   
> Biodiversity and the extension of the public
110  Hands-On Urbanism 1850–2012 
Text: Cosmina Goagea
> An exhibition dedicated to the history of self-managed urban practices
117  Home on Board: swissRoomBox
Text: Cosmin Caciuc
> Foldable camping-car.
Technical info
Nolte Home Studio – Pure technology kitchens – 
Grohe – Award winning collections created by the world’s best design team – 
Velux – Inclinatie spre lumina, Premiile Velux Romania 2012 – 
Rockwool – Win the fire battle – 
Delta Studio – Naturalized by Delta Design – 
Alukonigstahl – Eficient de la inceput – 
Rehau – 
European Cooper in Architecture Campaign, Cuprul este unic – 
Made Event, Targ Milano, Rho 17-20 octombrie 2012 – 
Kludi, Product design award iF 2012 –



Magazine content 104

25 Editor’s

Text: Cosmin Caciuc
28 Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos: A wall with greenery
Text: Stefan Tuchila
> San Telmo Museum Extension in San Sebastian



Magazine 104

25 Editor’s

Text: Cosmin Caciuc
28 Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos: A wall with greenery
Text: Stefan Tuchila
> San Telmo Museum Extension in San Sebastian
40 Global Holcim Awards 2012
46 Tetrarc architectes: Social dwellings, greenhouses and gardens
> Ecological dwellings in Nantes
54 Tetrarc architectes: Urban settlements and creative machinery
>  A postindustrial compound for artistic creation 
62 Architects of Invention: Institutional transparency
> Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia, in Tbilisi 
66 Kamp Arhitektid: Summer kitchen in a forest
> A small pavilion in an Estonian village
 68 G.Natkevicius, A.Rimselis: Enclosure 
> The first crematorium in Lithuania
70 Dossier: Hitoshi Sugishita
Text: Hitoshi Sugishita & Cosmin Caciuc
70: House in Hagiwara
74: House in Nishinosho
78: House in Seko
84 Urban Report  
84: Domografia – a vehicle for urban involvement
Text & proiect: Peter Lenyi
 86: Beyond a Construction Site
Text & proiect: Obrat
90: Green Square
Text & proiect: Urban Interventions + Vallo Sadovsky Architects
92 Ikedoo 
Text : Zeppelin & Ikedoo
>  Learning by means of architecture
Text : Irina Cios
> Eight views on Bucharest
106  Failed States
108 Milano 2012
Text : Irina Rotaru
Technical info
Nowy Styl Group
Delta Design
Rockwool Romania



Magazine content 103

20 Editor’s

Text: Constantin Goagea

24 David Chipperfield in Vienna
> A department store in a difficult urban site in a historical fabric



Magazine 103

20 Editor’s

Text: Constantin Goagea

24 David Chipperfield in Vienna
> A department store in a difficult urban site in a historical fabric 
34 Dossier: Josep Ferrando Bramona
> A single-family house, a police station and a university building
34: House-as-topography
40: Nine bright courtyards
46: Continuity and difference
54 FAM architekti: Conversed typology
> A small single-family house in the Czech Republic
60 FAM architekti: Urban regeneration between blocks
> An arrangement project of the public space in the Czech Republic
64 Costa Fierros Arquitectos: Urban cohesion
> A project targeting both urban and landscape renovation in Seville
70 Dossier: Manadelucru 
> From a cannibal chair to a modern Orthodox church 
70: The chair atop another chair
72: A very long space and a Myriapod table
76: Among the trees
80: The Romanian Church of Alcala de Henares 
82 Flores & Prats Architects: Social container in Barcelona
> Apartment building 
94 Urban Report 
94: Volunteering and alternatives
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
98: Bus stops
Text: Mihaela Ghita
102 Wander
  Text : Ioana Ghenciulescu – Violet
> Erre: exhibition at the Centre Pompidou-Metz
108 Sheltered
Text : Robert Marin
> Robert Marin: exhibition at PAVILION
111 Thousands of great objects every day
Text : Cosmina Goagea
> Design for common objects
118 1 product  = 1 material + 1 procedure
Text: Stefan Ghenciulescu
> Alexe Popescu: Cookie Table, P-1 Wallet
Technical info
Alukoenigstahl, Energy 2, Fatada din aluminiu pentru case pasive,
Delta Design, Concurs pentru prototipuri de mobilier de baie,
Egger Romania, More from wood, 
HP, All – in one, total inglobat,
Knau AMF, Mai mult spatiu pentru inovatii,
Nolte home studio, Design Kitchens,