zeppelin magazine | no #81


Magazine content 81

16 We’ve got everything! White plastic boxes for guards, electric switch boxes, bobbies, and bodyguards /Constantin Goagea

public: Snøhetta
18 un urban iceberg / The winner of Mies van der Rohe Prize
in 2009, the Norwegian Snøhetta team has imagined the volumetric shape of the Oslo Opera House as a manmade geography that can be both climbed or used as representative public space.

An urban iceberg

Post de: Carmen Popescu

The winner of Mies van der Rohe Prize in 2009, the Norwegian Snøhetta team, has imagined the volumetric shape of the Oslo Opera House as a manmade geography that can be both climbed or used as representative public space.

Editor’s: We’ve got everything! White plastic boxes for guards, electric switch boxes, bobbies, and bodyguards

Post de: Constantin Goagea

Not that long ago, just last October the Holocaust Monument was inaugurated in Bucharest. Peter Jacobi, a Romanian born sculptor who lives in Germany for the moment, has come up with an interesting concept.  In fact, the site is almost empty, and thus you get the sense of disappearance; moreover, the place gives you the creeps.

February 2010