17. Editor’s: To the Future, while Looking Back
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

18. Dossier: Chile, a New Generation: a Generation of Change – 3rd Part
> An optimistic panorama towards the future of Chilean architecture
Curator & intro: José Luis Uribe Ortiz
- 19. Cristián Axl Valdés / Mutar Estudio: Morocha House

- 22. Benjamín Murúa, Rodrigo Valenzuela: Taltal Public Library

- 28. Gubbins Arquitectos/Polidura+Talhouk Arq.: Lodge La Baita

- 32. Christian Sundby + Hector Peldoza: Ringstadbakken House

- 34. Sebastian Preece: Shelter in the Museum

- 36. José Abásolo: Collective and Collaborative: Towards a Blurring Discipline
38. Starh-ACD – Florian Stanciu, Iulia Stanciu: Slowly Building a Place
> The 10 years construction period of this villa on the shores of a lake on the outskirts of Bucharest allows to read the evolution of the architectural philosophy of Starh office.
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

53. SYAA: Tactile and conceptual: SIMBIO Kitchen & Bar
> Restaurant, bar and hub on Negustori Street in Bucharest
Text: Cosmin Caciuc

60. Mihai Vărzan, Péter Marx, Ilinca Rădulescu: Generic School and Extended Urban Experience
> School no. 195 extension in Titan district, Bucharest

66. Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti: Critical Revisiting of Tradition
> Contextualist house in Slovenia

70. Carol Factory – the beginning
> A model of rehabilitation for Hesper S.A. historical buildings in Bucharest
Text: Constantin Goagea

73. Urban Report
74. ÉME Master School: Trefort Garden. A Monument in Personal Proximity
> This huge monument in Budapest speaks about trauma and memory in a non-heroic, refined and empathic manner, by means of the latest technologies and graphic design.
Text: Krisztina Somogyi

79. Design & More
- 8o. The Architectural Profession in 2014: Europe and Romania
Serban Ţigănaş examines the latest European sectoral study about the profession of architect and proposes some principles for an improvement.

84. Stockholm Design Week
> Design in Sweden is a lot about political support and a national identity that incorporates design and an authentic social character
Text: Constantin Goagea

89. Connected
- 90. Under the Skin of Our Buildings or Biomimicry as Sustainable Design
> Architecture Follows Nature- Biomimetic Principles for Innovative Design by Ilaria Mazzoleni in collaboration with Shauna Price
Book review: Alexandru Bălășescu

- 91. Marius Miclăuș: Arhitecture under Extreme Conditions
> Mountain refuge at Călțun