Articles published by: Nickname

Zeppelin magazine #168 (winter, 2022-2023)

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Edito: On‑site Representation

Text: Cătălina Frâncu
Photo: Roberta Curcă



Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


With this dossier we remain close to the ground, even on the ground, and, a few times, a little under‑ground. Some of the projects are about public space and topography building through a minimum of gestures made to connect the terrain, the buildings and the landscape while also offering appropriate places to pass through and sit. At other times, public space sinks under‑ground because it has to—like in the case of the metro stations designed by Zündel Cristea architecture office, where Parisian tradition and Piranesian spaces come to pleasantly intertwine. Or it burrows just because sometimes descending under‑ground doesn’t necessary mean a trip to the inferno, but quite the contrary: access to a protected and controlled medium, a shelter, possibly serene, where one may comfortably sit together with others, in a good burrow. (…)

Earth Becomes Architecture
Junya Ishigami: House & Restaurant

Project & Text: Junya Ishigami
Photo: Laurian Ghiniţoiu


The project is a residence/restaurant for a French restaurant owner. He is an old friend of mine, and he was the one who commissioned the Tables for a Restaurant. I was asked to design a building as “heavy” as possible. “I want an architecture whose heaviness would increase with time,” he said. “It cannot be artificially smooth but rather something with the roughness of nature. Authentic cuisines require such a place.” He also told me that “it has to look as if it has been there and will continue to be there for the longest time.” His idea was to create a brand‑new long‑established restaurant. He was longing for something that is both a house and a restaurant, something he could pass on
to his children and grandchildren. (…)

Junya Ishigami: Plaza, Kanagawa Institute of Technology

Proiect & text: Junya Ishigami
Foto: Laurian Ghiniţoiu

Junya Ishigami -Plaza- Kanagawa Institute of Technology

The sagging sky‑like ceiling and the concave ground‑like floor curve to join in the distance, thus materialising a horizon within the architecture. People appear as they approach from the horizon and disappear as the move beyond it. The roof has 59 openings that illuminate the spaces directly beneath them, but the low ceiling prevents daylight from spreading throughout the interior. This play of light and shadow changes according to the hour and the weather. Since the openings are left unglazed, the natural elements can flow inwards. On rainy days, drops of water fall through these openings to form columns of rain inside, generating a hazy scene with the sight and sound of rain before one’s eyes. (…)

Concrete, Ceramics, Light
Atelier Zündel Cristea: 4 Metro Stations in Paris

Text: Grégoire Zündel, Irina Cristea
Foto: Sergio Grazia

Zündel Cristea-4 Metro Stations in Paris

The “metropolitan identity”—bevelled tiles and arches—is taken up. Distributed in small touches through out the monumental space, the texture of the materials is highlighted by the disciplined geometry of the forms and the contrasts between concrete, earthenware, and stainless steel. Stripped and detailed, the materiality of the walls is a white screen which shows the moving silhouettes. (…)

Turning the Red Carpet of the Starts into a White Carpet for All People
Piazza del Cinema, Lido di Venezia, Italy, 2018

Text: C+S
Foto: Alessandra Bello

Piazza del Cinema – Lido di Venezia

Reacting to Lido losing its role as one of the most sought-after seaside resorts in Europe, the site an international competition for the new Cinema Festival Palace was organized. The project was also to be a part of the commemoration for the Italian Unification. The construction stopped under bribe accusations of the public management team, leaving exasperated citizens and the Biennale with a big hole in the ground. Starting a series of conversations with the locals, C+S decided that the main aim of design was that to give back the citizens a well-designed and adaptable public space made of a square and a park, which would be transformed during the three weeks of the Cinema Festival or during the year. (…)

Old House, New Ground
SUO: Café Reigan

Text: Takashi Suo
Photo: Laurian Ghinițoiu


This project is a renovation of an old building placed on a mountaintop with beautiful views. It used to be very famous for its sightseeing qualities. As tourism developed, the client built a hotel, a souvenir shop, a teahouse and some similar functions on their large property. When the number of visitors gradually declined, they demolished the hotel and only kept the teahouse and souvenir shop. (…)

The City a Common Good
Timişoara Architecture Biennial—Beta 2022

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


I, for one, am a big BETA fan. This program has an ambition and a consistency that are extremely rare in the Romanian landscape – and the regional one, in fact. All the last four editions have in common the shift from the local event, almost exclusively centred on exhibiting and rewarding architecture production, to an international program with regional availability and the courage to speak of big and global issues, of putting architecture in a social context and of taking it out of the architects’ ghetto.

Uranus Conciliation
A Memorial and Urban Project

Project: Zeppelin, Ideilagram
Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Dorothee Hasnaș, Ilinca Păun-Constantinescu
Photo: Tudor Constantinescu, Roald Aron, archive images, project team

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Tabula rasa?
Well, sometimes not even tabula rasa is complete!
The “Uranus Conciliation” exhibition as well as the overall project explores the traces of the city destroyed in the wake of the ‘80s megalomaniac transformation of Bucharest. We talk about scenarios and proposals for the democratic and coherent development of the Uranus-Rahova-Izvor area, and how traces can become a resource for this process. A project within the “Uranus Now” program

Albu Architecture Office:
CC House, Prahova

Project, text: Pavel Albu


A simple, logical, and apparently ordinary house, which does not stand out in the peaceful landscape of Prahova hills and villages. Architecture arises out of proportions, scale distortions, a discreet monumentality of interior and exterior spaces, and out of non-traditional details.

Harvest Time, Kunsthalle Bega

Artist: Ioana Maria Sisea
Curators: Anca Verona Mihuleț, Iris Ordean


The exhibition at the Kunsthalle Bega in Timișoara speaks about memory, deconstruction and reconstruction. But, from an architectural perspective, also about dwelling, space, materiality and co-presence. We brought here the curators’s text and a reflection from the architect-spectator


The Urbanophile

Interview: Ștefan Ghenciulescu


Osamu is an architect, a planner, an activist and an educator. I met him about 15 years ago during his first visit to Romania, as the editor-in-chief or ERA21, the Czech professional architecture magazine. Since then, he became among others, program director of reSITE international festival on more liveable cities, a member of the Prague 7 District Planning Commission, and recently, a lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of the Technical University in Liberec.
His passion for cities, innovation, writing and architectural education for young people come together in his brilliant book ‚City for Everyone: A Manual of Urbanism for Beginners’, (Labyrint Publishing House).

Hyper‑Density, Openness, Identity
Graphic Studio: The New Giuleşti Stadium

Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Foto: Vlad Pătru


Rapid football club is one of the most beloved in Romania. The passionate relationship between the neighbourhood inhabitants and the club is legendary, and it survived the Communist period and even the decline of Romanian sports over the last decades.
Recently, the old stadium made way for a new one – an expression of a worldwide phenomenon, where old arenas are no longer adequate and cannot really be adapted to the evolution of sport as a global-scale media phenomenon, to the functional, comfort, and security needs. The story of the new project is about such needs, but also about tough constraints, urbanity and memory, and about the relationship with a community.

House with 4 Palms

Project, text: Tudor Vlăsceanu

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The Concentrico Festival proposes a rediscovery and re-understanding of the city through architectural installations and the spatial experiences they propose. The festival takes place in the city of Logroño, it lasts for one week, and it is in its 8th edition. This year I was happy to find myself among the architects invited by the festival.

Exhibition at Batthyaneum
Astro‑stories and mechanical animations about the Astronomical Observatory in Alba Iulia

Text: Constantin Goagea, Cristina Ginara, Cristian Mladin
Photo: Andrei Mărgulescu


We are in an unusual place in Alba Iulia, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, in a somewhat strange-looking building. A Trinitarian church and monastery, then a military hospital, then a novel-like twist: Bishop Ignatius of Battyán turns the building into an astronomy institute; And also, a public library. The year was 1798. (…)

eematico Architecture Kit
Architecture as Systemic Thinking

Intro: eematico
Text: Cătălina Frâncu
Foto: eematico Archive


Ion Neculai is an architect and education entrepreneur, co-founder of eematico. Together with his team, he is leading the way to innovation in educational programs, aiming to help children develop life skills for the 21st century. eematico does this through experiential, play-based learning, which is a fundamental learning process. Children’s confidence in their own strengths is deepened through building and designing ideas. Their main aim is to help children understand, rather than simply collect information. (…)


Edito: On‑site Representation

Text: Cătălina Frâncu
Foto: Roberta Curcă

I was in Paris, close to Quai de la Marne, when I entered a supermarket with my partner, Teodor, in search for daily pads (thin, for light flux, usually used after menstruation); we went in audibly talking in Romanian heading towards the hygiene racks, then took a walk to the pastry area, then the chips, and, after having paid, we headed towards the exit.

Mass, Cut-outs, Collage. ADN BA: Apartment complex, Sfinții Voievozi St., Bucharest

Sfinții Voievozi is a quiet street downtown Bucharest, hidden in a tetragon defined by important boulevards – Calea Victoriei, Buzești-Berzei Bd., Calea Griviței and Dacia Bd. What used to be a semi-urban fabric 150 years ago, with large gardens, buildings that were rather scattered and low, streets and plots with an organic geometry, has transformed, through densification and regularization.

Transition buildings, joints. 2 projects by Dyvik Kahlen

Intro: Cătălina Frâncu

The two projects are built in the same universe and use the same language.

Safari Through a Miniature Universe. Atelier MASS: Expanding the Ursulețul Nursery in Cluj

The quality of a country’s architecture essentially depends on that of the public architecture. In Romania, priorities are completely different, with public commisions designed to also achieve actual architecture being extremely few

Dossier Zeppelin #167: Inclusive City

Coordination: Cătălina Frâncu, Ilinca Pop


Zeppelin magazine #167 (autumn, 2022)


Edito: Do the Poor and the Middle-Class Still Have Room in the City?

Text: Ştefan Ghenciulescu

[…] I would like to be very clear here: cities have always been territories of inequality. Starting with ones a few thousand years ago and going through absolutely every type of historical society, political regime, etc., in any city there were, at some point, rich inhabitants, as well as ones of average wealth or poor, to varying degrees and proportions; and, of course, “good” and “bad” areas.

But we are now witnessing an emptying of cities of their poorer population, and their progressive transformation, from centre towards the outskirts, into territories where there is less and less dwelling, as fewer and fewer can afford it. We are starting to no longer have neighbourhoods of people with more modest income, but cities without such a permanent population. […]


Coordinators: Cătălina Frâncu, Ilinca Pop

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Intro: City, The Land of Promise
Text: Cătălina Frâncu

The city has existed from the beginning as a progressive economic centre, always in contrast to the frozen, ”regressive” and traditional countryside. After the Industrial Revolution, the city became the nucleus of economic growth, turning into a platform for development for all who left the countryside behind in the hope of a job (in a factory) and modern housing (in a tenement). But the city has always ”welcomed” its immigrants in well-prepared places, far from its “rightful” inhabitants, often transforming itself from the land of promise into the land of need. In the illusion that the possibilities are infinite, the city shapes its continuous need for growth and manufactures new obstacles in the journey of overcoming its own condition. […]

Intervening in a Fragile Place
Benga Riverside Housing and School, Tete, Mozambique

02_AB_Housing at Benga Riverside Residential Community_Photo by Jaime Herraiz for Kéré Architecture

Project & text: Kéré Architecture, Diébédo Francis Kéré
Intro: Cătălina Frâncu


Atelier Ad Hoc: substandardPLUS or Redefining a Limit
A Social Infrastructure Project

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Project, text & photo: Maria Daria Oancea, George Marinescu


The Open City
A Conversation with Doina Petrescu

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Reporter: Cătălina Frâncu
Photo & drawings: Atelier d’Architecture Autogéré


Inclusive Architecture
AMAIS—Case Study on Inclusive Design

amais studiu de caz proiectare incluziva

Text: Teodor Călinoiu, Cătălina Frâncu


The ‘Woman Architect’ in the Communist Period

2_B_Moment informal la ISLGC-1983-București_sursa_Jeni Luchian-Constantinescu
Text: Ilinca Pop


Two Houses: 1925, 1926
Eileen Gray & Henriette Delavrancea-Gibory


Text: Ilinca Pop

A Project by María Luisa Blanco and Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco

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Text: Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco
Photo: Pol Rebaque


An Aesthetic Reading of the Inclusive City

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Text: Daniela Calciu, Ilinca Pop & Cătălina Frâncu


War of Streets and Houses
Sophie Yanow


Review: Cătălina Frâncu


Urban Mode
ADN BA: Tandem Office Building, Bucharest


Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Foto: Vlad Pătru, Ștefan Tuchilă


Mass, Cut-outs, Collage
ADN BA: Apartment complex, Sfinţii Voievozi St., Bucharest


Text: Ștefan Ghenciulescu
Foto: Vlad Pătru, Sabin Prodan


Vinklu: Comun Café, Timișoara, Romania—2022

Vinlu – comun – TM

Text: Ștefan Păvăluţă
Photo: ADMO Studio (Ovidiu Micșa)


Vinklu: HOUSE W17 (2017–2020), Piatra Neamţ, România


Text, photo: Ștefan Păvăluţă


Walls, Membrane, and Everything In Between
Iungo Studio: Apartment in Bucharest


Text, photo: Iungo Studio


Changes of Scale
Narchitektura: Memorial Park of the Former Great Synagogue in Oświęcim


Project: Narchitektura
Text: Levente Szabó
Photo: Piotr Strycharski, Bartosz Haduch


How Can We Make an Architecture School Together?

The Triplex Confinium Educational Project, and the Think Brick Competition

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Text: Cristian Bădescu, Irina Tulbure



Edito: Do the Poor and the Middle-Class Still Have Room in the City?

Text, photo: Ștefan Ghenciulescu

Henley & Partners is a company which provides investment migration consultancy. It works both with rich individual customers, and with companies, and even governments, counselling them on golden visa-type programs (i.e. fast and easy gain of citizenship upon investing in the respective country), property purchasing opportunities etc.

Triplex Confinium – an academic project. The Jimbolia – Kikinda Summer schools. All votes: On site!

How can we produce an architecture school together?

Authors: Irina Tulbure, Cristi Bădescu

The Museum of Collectivization – the second stage

Started in the autumn of 2019, by the initiative of a group of history fans and entrepreneurs in the village of Tămășeni (Neamț County, Romania) the museum quickly became a reality, and its exhibition opened in the first three rooms a year later.