zeppelin magazine | no #44


Arhitectura magazine no 44 summary

  • editorial: the open houses / constantin goagea
  • in memoriam arh. costandin rulea / stefan ghenciulescu
  • ideas sell, if they circulate freely / adrian gongea
  • arhitectura_100 years. episode 4
    : transformation and cohabitation. 1956-1460: from stalinism to (neo) modernism  / stefan ghenciulescu

Open Houses

Post de: Constantin Goagea

A few weeks ago, I participated in a seminar on urban regeneration practices in Great Britain, organized by British Council as part of the project “To follow”.
At the end of the day, after the work session, I had an informal conversation with one of the invited architects, Fred Manson. He was eager to know about modern architecture in Romania, how it is and if it is produced and to what avail. Besides the few examples I could mention, I told him that it was a long-term project and that there was a strong opposition to modernity in Romania.

May 2006