Urban Report #3

This article can be found in: Books and publications, Urban Report

Pioneers of Emerging Practices

Team: Ivan Kucina, Todor Atanasov, Peter Torniov, Miklós Péterffy, Samu Szemerey, Ștefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea.
Institutions: BINA, SAW, ZEPPELIN, KEK, Transformatori.
Thanks for their contribution to UR Volume #2: Ana Džokić, Assen Georgiev, Djordje Stojanovic, Florina Jerliu, István Ligetvári, Iva Delova, Ivan Kucina, Justin Baroncea, Kai Vöckler, Marc Neelen, Miklós Péterffy, Mugur Grosu, NAO, Planwerk, Re-Act Now Studio, Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss, Trafik Association, Valeri Gyurov, Visar Geci, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Zsuffa Zsolt.

As we have realized by now that there is no such thing as a transition, and that this side of Europe probably will never compared with its Western counterpart, we warmly invite you to read the third volume of urban report adventure, dedicated to pioneers of architectural practice coming up in this area and time. They are pioneers of clearly unaccredited and unacknowledged practice. However, a certain heroic and beautiful, rather solemn touch shows up each time when such a small project manages to change the world around. It is, indeed, a volume devoted to bold ideas, to people with no other choice and who need to act like explorers, pioneers into nowhere. Or small rescuers. To clarify the territory we explore in this issue, note it is marked by a few constant features.

Edited by: Zeppelin Association.

This project is funded by the Romanian Cultural Institute and Cantemir program