Otilia Mihalcea: OVAL @ London Fashion Week 2016

Otilia Mihalcea recently launched her own design brand, OVAL. At this edition of International Fashion Showcase 2016 (a section of London Fashion Week), her collection Neotectonics received a Special Prize for Accessory Design.

Photo: Alexandru Boghian
Model: Ada Tache

Possible Brooch


The objects are inspired by ancient Dacian artifacts, in a rather playful and emotional manner, that tries to capture some essential qualities and not to sustain a “national” discourse.

Not Even Capitolinus Ring _ Uneven Cuff

Not Even Aventinus Earrings


Text: Otilia Mihalcea

Although extroverted in shape and structure, this collection meditates in silence, rejecting any hint of idealism of history. Extracted layer by layer from the Legendary Mountain, the core transplanted into a jewel pulsates with an energy released after centuries of captivity. The internal dialogue with nature, an old law of every piece of brass, bronze or silver, is now imperceptible. Each surface has been eroded and reimagined, restructured and polished until it became abstract. When nature is a myth that gives rise to neotectonics.