Last level / exhibition, website & workshop

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Bucharest, A photo mapping, 2004–2012
exhibition, website & workshop by Ștefan Tuchilă & Zeppelin
10–30 October 2012, National Museum for Contemporary Art, Bucharest

In the last 8 years, Ștefan Tuchilă climbed over 80 buildings and took several thousand photographs of Bucharest: another kind of urban research, a methodical and spectacular urban mapping. And a support for the recollection of a city that is constantly reinventing itself.

Trying a purely technical classification, the project is divided into two parts: panoramic images of 180/360 ° and detailed images, photographs taken in order to capture certain relationships, objects or special circumstances. The two components complement one another in order to render the most accurate description possible of the urban fabric, allowing both a comprehensive, general image, as well as a narrow frameing, the photographic equivalent of a critical remark.

Organizer: Zeppelin
A cultural project supported by the Administration of National Cultural Fund

Virtual tour: