Article magazine # 102


Editor’s: The Apocalypse of refinement

Post de: Constantin Goagea

We were all rich and cool, the world was a crack bar known by everybody from a magazine, where everyone looked full of admiration how we got in our expensive cars, then, yes, I would invite everybody at home, as I was rich and everyone would envy me, as I used to press the remote control and a pool on the ceiling would come up,

and that bluish water would leave a pale and delicate shadow on my onyx walls, with a led system that, whenever I would breath, would turn visuals interactive on the bottom of the pool as bodies of a woman who would dip as a hologram  in this pool on this ceiling of Guatemala glass which would filter the outside light, and the TV was on all walls as I had read this in Ray Bradbury’s – 451 Fahrenheit degrees, about a house that has TVs as big as all the walls – onyx and TV and visuals, like a bar, like a shopping center in New York, Milan, Singapore, or Dubai, when you pass by with bags full of richness, life is splendid, simply because I can give away to you all a piece of my dreams, yet my mind is full of design ideas, I dream of design, I breath design, I’m the spoiled brat of design magazines, I’m the preferred one for cultural interviews since literature and design are my passions, I wanted to have, just like that, a job to get me close to art, I’m good at those posh stuff, but one does not earn that much money, I’m an architect in my way, have ideas for a whole city, but have built this villa and, what no one knows is that I have a library full of old books, it shows the luxury and my passion for beauty, the library has a secret door, with a digital code which scans my retina like in movies, since I’ve always enjoyed movies, movies, design and literature, I have no time to read but I do like to buy old foreign books, and all the literature guys coming to us because I have the coolest parties in the pool, because I’m admired, the SF movies we project with this new 3D projector, I enter in the library, all made of mahogany, rose and Iranian chestnut tree, the finest wood of all, I’ve been there to get it, and the garden I’ve ordered in Japan, a huge bonsai – it has two metres, the coloured turtle – have got its birth certificate, over 200 years, all the concept of a Bolivian artist, he named it Lolita, Nabokov, god what a concept of an art installation, a turtle to walk among diamonds, a metaphor of power and immortality, I’m an artist in my way, perhaps the most complex, the turtle and the bonsai and a lot of gravel from the ocean, from Australia, people do respect the nature there, I didn’t want anything contaminated, I want nature to be my house, anything for Lolita, my friends know that, art is everywhere in my house, you turn on the water, the filters cost a fortune, you know that for each cup of coffee we throw 145 litres of water away, I like those environmentalists, had never thought about that so far,  but I’ve been one in Iceland, wanted to see the penguins, was actually curious how they could conserve nature, I have to pay for the biosphere I created, art and nature, you could say that about me, have only stayed one wee, I think I’d like to live there, perhaps that if it were not cold, we are always admired, the Romanians, the Icelanders said respectfully in restaurants, perhaps because I see the way I used to spend money in restaurants, but for me a meal is like a piece of art, one tastes what’s best and most expensive everywhere, that’s for me and the friends I invite to be with me, have heard of Daniel Spoeri who used to do that thing with the restaurant and the dirty dishes he would exhibit after the parties, glued there with everything, and forks and napkins, too futuristic for us yet, how could one sell dirty dishes and claim it’s art, I wouldn’t like to have something like that on the walls, such as onyx with Spoeri, it doesn’t work at all, and yes, perhaps that a great artist, a sculpture, if I were to choose, it has to be perfect, like in Renaissance, if you know what I mean, to display in a covered niche with 5 centimetres think glass which no bullet can penetrate, that binding detail is superb, I have it in my mind, have been in a SPA but cannot recall where, no screw was to be seen, have made it with a designer from Sweden, I adore Nordic design, the Italians mostly for their cars, no one can match their red, but also have a few English pieces when we go out on holiday I like to drive something small and retro, a bit of the sixties, the 60s for me… I simply love it, and the way the scarf floats with the sky on top of you, few people know Brazil like me, the Dominican Republic, the perfect water for scuba diving, I have the spirit of adventure, friends all over the world, and yes, I do not have an account on Facebook, I think I’d beat Mark directly, well, perhaps not, anyway, my friends are all over the world, they say I’m crazy, the truth is that art is my nature and nature is my art, one could say, if you know me, crises are, for me, about the lack of beauty, if people would build more what crisis would there be? but everything in good taste, since a world with no sense of aesthetics would lead to a crisis, people have built tastelessly some time ago, and now we all pay for that, who buys those hideous blocks because if they had taste, that would sell well, I always do that and I always have success, but that’s why I prefer to be away always, I love foreign countries, where we are all respected for what we truly are, if you don’t show that perhaps you cannot be a patriot, but our country is rich and deserves to be respected through those like me and my friends, who have made everything based on a concept and taste.