zeppelin magazine | no #42


Arhitectura magazine no 42 summary

  • editorial: the neighbors corner / stefan ghenciulescu
  • destructions with a permit / stefan ghenciulescu
  • serial: arhitectura_100 de ani. episode 2
    : national style, traditionalism and modernism in “arhitectura” until world war II / gabriela tabacu
  • 2 office buildings in bucharest
    : westfourth architecture: charles de gaulle business center, buharest / oana rotaru
    : westfourth architecture: headquarters for lafarge romania, bucharest / oana rotaru
  • 3 slovenian offices
    : sadar vuga arhitekti
    : dekleva gregoric arhitekti
    : reichenberg arhitektura design
  • phenomenology / cosmina goagea
March 2006