Industrial heritage workshop: “Anina Mine of Ideas: Post-Industrial Cultural Identity”

Between July 24th – August 1st an industrial heritage workshop will take place in Anina in the framework of the “Anina Mine of Ideas: Post-Industrial Cultural Identity” project initiated by Alba Verde Association in partnership with Anina Town hall, the Architects’ Chamber of Romania in Timiș, the Faculty of Architcture and Urbanism from Timișoara, and supported by The National Architects’ Chamber of Romania.


Part of the actions of the European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year, this event continues the activities started by Alba Verde Association in 2014 in Anina, contributing to the research and capitalisation of the local identity as a resource for post-industrial regeneration and sustainable development. The last year studies will underlie the identification of cultural tourist routes; the accomplishment of a dedicated methodology for working with the local industrial heritage and the definition of revival scenarios. The opportunity to found a Mining Museum in the Shaft I area from Anina is going to be investigated as well.

Workshop programme:

Friday July 24th:
Workshop opening
–    Presentation of the results of the project “Anina Mine of Ideas” edition 2014 (arch. Marius Barbieri, arch. Oana Țiganea);
–    General information on the industrial heritage and specific aspects regarding the industrial heritage in Banatul Montan (arch. Irina  Iamandescu);
–    Brief historical and territorial contextualisation of the industrial heritage from Anina (arch. OanaTiganea);
–    Local memory _ study proposal (sociologist Simona Zărnescu).

Saturday25  – Sunday July, 26th:
Site visits in Anina and surroundings for the identification and analysis of the industrial landscape elements.

Monday July,27th:
–    development of the analysis of the cultural routes in Anina;
–    photographic inventory of the industrial landscape elements on Anina’s territory;

Tuesday July, 28th:
–    presentation “The concept of Mining Museum” (arch. Gabriela Paşcu);
–    site visit in the Shaft I area (Winding machine hall – the space proposed for the organisation of the Mining Museum from Anina);
–    site investigation.

July 29th, 30thand 31st:
Proposals of concrete site actions _ concepts and methodologies (supervisors: Oana Țiganea, Gabriela Paşcu, Ovidiu Micșa); team work

SaturdayAugust, 1st:
Public presentation of the workshop results

The conclusions of the 2014 studies have been published in bilingual format (Romanian-English) under the title “Mina de idei Anina. Revitalization scenario through cultural tourism: illustrated recommendations concerning the built environment” and may be accessed online here

An article about the 2014 workshop in Anina was published in Zeppelin magazine, 129 and can be read online here

Project supported by Romanian Chamber of Architects

Partners: Anina Town Hall, Romanian Chamber of Architects – Timis Branch, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timisoara & Zeppelin Association (media partner)