The European Academy of Participation (EAP) aduce împreună zece organizații din Europa, din zona academică, artistică și culturală, cu scopul de a crea o lume mai inclusivă, în care oamenii să locuiască împreună în deplin respect pentru diferențele dintre ei. Aceste organizații au identificat practicile participative în artă și cultură ca fiind un instrument important de implicare a comunităților în procesul de construire a unui spațiu cultural comun.
EAP organizează trei școli de vară în 2018, fiecare sesiune fiind structurată în mod diferit în funcție de contextul cultural și cerințele specifice, dar urmărind perspectiva unitară dezvoltată în cadrul proiectului EAP pe parcursul ultimilor doi ani. Cursurile și atelierele se vor desfășura în limba engleză.
Vă invităm să consultați în continuare prezentările celor trei cursuri și modalitațile de înscriere (dată limită: 15 februarie 2018)
- București – două săptămâni de experiență multidisciplinară de învățare, pe tema regenerării urbane. Perioadă: 11 – 26 mai 2018
- Amsterdam – un program de 7 zile, în cadrul căruia artiști experimentați și producători din zona creativă vor realiza și implementa împreună un proiect. Perioadă: 2 – 10 iunie 2018
- Marsilia – zece zile de imersiune în contextul creativ al spațiului La Friche La Belle de Mai, cu accent pe arte vizuale, teatru și literatură. Perioadă: 2 – 12 iulie 2018.
Course in Bucharest
The EAP Summer School Bucharest May 2018 is centered around modules designed for students at Master studies: sociology, fine arts, anthropology, art history and art theory.
The specificity of the EAP Summer School in Bucharest will be the multi-disciplinarity nature. Students will have the opportunity to learn about a range of perspective of one single topic.
The main activities will take place in the National University of Arts Bucharest. Several visits are included in the program: a bus visit in the peripheries and center of Bucharest, visits on NGOs, visit of the ARK-a Cultural Industries Hub etc.
The overall program will cover and engage with the competencies and skills students are expected to gain during their studies. As highlighted in the timetable of the sessions, these are not always explicit, but often underpinned the theme / topic addressed.
Sociologists, architects, artists, art historians, political activists will be invited to presents their point of view on participatory practices in the arts.
Learning Outcomes: With this course participants will
– gain a deeper understanding of the historical and contextual perspective and current debates around participatory artistic practice including ethical practice
– become aware of and able to draw on appropriate strategies and methodologies to work with diverse and collaborative approaches and co-creation
– enhance their own participatory arts and/or curatorial practice ranging from generating the original ideas in partnership with others, to initiating and facilitating appropriate activities, to reflecting critically on their own process.
Costs: Travel and accommodation is covered by the project for foreign students coming to Bucharest. There are limited places available.
Please send a motivation letter in English (max. 1 Din A4 page) explaining your interest in participating to this course module or a short CV highlighting relevant studies, artistic practice and/or cultural work experience until February 15th 2018 to: roxana_trestioreanu[at] Participants will be selected according to their profiles and experience and will receive an answer in the first week of March 2018.
Course in Amsterdam
Artists, working across all disciplines, are increasingly interested in developing a more collaborative practice and responding to complex social environmental and political issues by engaging with different communities through a process of mutual exchange and reciprocity.
The EAP Course Amsterdam June 2018 is targeted towards artist with a hybrid work experience as defined in the Tuning Document Creative Producers. It will serve as a CPD (Continuous Professional Development) opportunity for artists and cultural practitioners who hold an MA and/or equivalent professional experience.
EAP Course in Amsterdam runs in parallel with one in Bucharest and in Marseille. Amsterdam will specifically focus on peer-learning and horizontal knowledge exchange and thereby building an alternative space of learning. Practitioners from various disciplines develop their understanding, their knowledge and their perspective on participatory art practice. All participants will be teachers and learners, everyone brings in their own experience in a facilitated exchange with peers.
The main activities will take place at Castrum in the historical centre of Amsterdam but also on site of project partners such as Framer Framed, Migration Lab, Tropenmuseum e.a.
The overall program will focus on developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes for all participants as set out in the Tuning Document. The suggested timetable below shows that these competences are not always explicitly addressed, but underpin the themes and topics of the various sessions.
The course
– invites professionals to reflect on participatory artistic practice through a process of creative and critical enquiry whilst working on a Life Project.
– examines the social, political, economic and historical contexts of participation and the wide range of dialogic approaches and creative interactions between artists and communities the background, experience and research questions of participants will determine the specific focus of most sessions.
– all participants will realise a collaborative project that will serve as a life case study for all theoretical and practical sessions.
– builds on the experience of the EAP Pilot course at Central Saint Martins, London, July 2017 and the EAP conference Living As Form, Amsterdam 26-27 October 2017.
Learning Outcomes: With this course participants will
– Gain a deeper understanding of the historical and contextual perspective and current debates around participatory artistic practice including ethical practice
– become aware of and able to draw on appropriate strategies and methodologies to work with diverse and collaborative approaches and co-creation
– Enhance their own participatory arts and/or curatorial practice ranging from generating the original ideas in partnership with others, to initiating and facilitating appropriate activities, to reflecting critically on their own process.
Profile of participants: Advanced artistic or cultural management experience (portfolio), post Higher Education Level 7 (MA).
Costs: Travel and accommodation is covered by the project for foreign students coming to Amsterdam. There are limited places available.
Please send a motivation letter in English (max. 1 Din A4 page) explaining your interest in participating to this course module or a short CV highlighting relevant studies, artistic practice and/or cultural work experience until February 15th 2018 to: Participants will be selected according to their profiles and experience and will receive an answer in the first week of March 2018.
Course in Marseille
European Academy of Participation (EAP) proposes an intensive course module on participation in the arts in Marseille/Aix-en-Provence under the topic: Métissage des cultures.
Artists, working across all disciplines, are increasingly interested in developing a more collaborative practice and responding to complex social environmental and political issues by engaging with different communities through a process of mutual exchange and reciprocity.
Therefore EAP in collaboration with the University of Aix-Marseille offers students of third year bachelors, masters and PhD the opportunity for reflections on participatory artistic practice through a process of creative and critical enquiry. The course module in Marseille will take mainly place at the University of Aix-Marseille.
It will focus on the fields of fine art, theatre and literature and especially on social engaged art. It will also give insights into cultural mediation, administrative aspects and art in public space. These topics will take into account the local characteristics of the culturally rich Mediterranean port city with its cultural and social diversity. Immigration and colonial history has shaped the city over the last centuries and made it to a cultural melting pot (which can be translated into French with “métissage des cultures”).
In order to get a deeper understanding of the citys texture, visits of local cultural structures that are working in the field of participatory art are offered, e. g. to La Friche la Belle de Mai. To guarantee a horizontal knowledge exchange, you are invited to present your own participatory art projects or future ideas to the other participants. A diploma of successful participation on the course module will be delivered to all participants by the end of the course.
Learning Outcomes: With this course participants will
– Gain a deeper understanding of the historical and contextual perspective and current debates around participatory artistic practice including ethical practice
– become aware of and able to draw on appropriate strategies and methodologies to work with diverse and collaborative approaches and co-creation
– Enhance their own participatory arts and/or curatorial practice ranging from generating the original ideas in partnership with others, to initiating and facilitating appropriate activities, to reflecting critically on their own process.
Costs: Travel and accommodation is covered by the project for foreign students coming to Aix-en-Provence/Marseille. There are limited places available.
Profile of the participants: students of third year Bachelors, Masters or PhD in fine arts, art history, art theory, literature or theatre.
Requirements: English language level B2, speaking basic French is a plus.
Please send a motivation letter in English (max. 1 Din A4 page) explaining your interest in participating to this course module or a short CV highlighting relevant studies, artistic practice and/or cultural work experience until February 15th 2018 to lena.birkhold[at] Participants will be selected according to their profiles and experience and will receive an answer in the first week of March 2018.