Rockwool - fabricat in Romania

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ISSN 3008-2986 ISSN-L 2069-721X

Cities of Tomorrow #9 – Orașe verzi

13-16 septembrie 2021 / eveniment hibrid

Aflată la a 9-a ediție, „Cities of Tomorrow” este o platformă consacrată de dialog între actorii publici și privați, dedicată dezvoltării durabile a orașelor și regiunilor din România.

Organizată de Asociația Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Româno-Germană (Deutsch-Rumänische Industrie- und Handelskammer) – AHK, Cities of Tomorrow #9 aduce în prim-plan orașele verzi și ridică întrebarea: cum arată orașul în care ne dorim să trăim? Cum putem să creștem competitivitatea economică a orașelor, sporind în același timp calitatea vieții pentru cetățeni?


Mesele rotunde, în număr de 9, se vor desfășura ONLINE, între 13-15 septembrie (pe platformele Zoom și Swapcard)


13 septembrie

Tourism, Lifestyle & Culture (09:00-11:00 EET)

Mobility (11:30-13:30 EET)

Construction Law (14:00-16:00 EET)


14 septembrie

Circular Economy (09:00-11:00 EET)

City Safety (11:30-13:30 EET)

Financing & EU Funds (14:00-16:00 EET)


15 septembrie

Reconversion & Revitalization (09:00-11:00 EET)

Digital City Governance (11:30-13:30 EET)

Energy Efficiency & Energy Management (14:00-16:00 EET)


Evenimentul central se va desfășura la sediul AHK (Calea Grivitei 82-98 et. 1, București), în data de 16 septembrie


10:00 am – 10:30 am

Conference Opening

Sebastian Metz, General Manager German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania)

Andreas Lier, President German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania)

Nicușor Dan, General Mayor of Bucharest (tbc)

Christian Plate, Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bucharest

Attila-Zoltán Cseke, Minister for Development, Public Works and Administration (tbc)


10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Results and Conclusions of the Roundtables

Moderators: Sebastian Metz & Dr. Ilinca Pandele, AHK Romania


11:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Coffee Break


11:45 AM – 12:30 PM

Project Competition Finalists

Public administration, civil society and business environment finalists present their projects for green cities to the jury and the audience

Moderator: Dr. Ilinca Pandele, AHK Romania


12:30 PM – 13:30 PM

Cities in Dialogue I: New Green for New Generations

Ullrich Sierau, Independent Consultant, Ex-Mayor of Dortmund

Ciprian Ciucu, Mayor of District 6, Bucharest (tbc)

Radu Mihaiu, Mayor of District 2, Bucharest (tbc)

Moderators: Irina Meliță, Vicepresident, OAR Bucharest and Andreas Schiller, Journalist and Publisher, Schiller Publishing House


13:30 PM – 14:30 PM

Lunch Break and time to explore the virtual/ physical Marketplace


14:30 PM – 15:00 PM

Smart Concepts for Green Cities

Burkhard Drescher, Managing Director, ICM – Innovation City Management GmbH


15:00 PM – 16:30 PM

Cities in Dialogue II: New Green for New Generations

Ioan Popa, Mayor of Reșița

Andreas Kipar, Co-Founder, CEO & Creative Director, LAND – Landscape Architecture Nature Development

Eugen Pănescu, planwerk Cluj, Executive Board Member at Architects Council of Europe

Elena Lucaci, Founding President, Parinti de Ciresari Association

Moderator: Dorothee Hasnaș, Architect and Cultural Manager


16:30 PM – 17:00 PM

Wrap-up Session

Announcing the winning roundtable

Announcing the winners of the project competition

Closing of the Conference

Moderators: Sebastian Metz & Dr. Ilinca Pandele, AHK Romania

Closing of the conference: Sebastian Metz, General Manager AHK Romania


17:00 – 18:00


Feel free to stay longer, explore the marketplace and get in touch with likeminded partners.


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